Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I can't type gatlinburg without laughing! my friend and i were texting about it before we left and her phone corrected it to garlic burg. how awful would a city of garlic be? i'm weird. but that's ok.

anyways. late in the game, but better late than never! we had an eventful trip to gatlinburg. got stuck in a mcdonald's parking lot (we eat at McD's?! yes..we do. oh the horror.), and on our way home we stopped at a super nice store for blake to do some christmas shopping and emma puked all over me and the store. so awesome. i know i've hit a new stage in life where i can deal with puke. that was probably the scariest thing about venturing into motherhood for me! haha..

so we went to dollywood! i think it's the first time i've ever been? but it was AWESOME. already decorated for christmas (did everyone forget about thanksgiving this year?) but we didn't care a bit. we had a blast! emma absolutely loved the rides and getting to run around. wyatt did a lot of riding and napping but i think he had a good time ;)

it was freezing in tennessee and i loved it! nothing like putting on your boots and your coat when you take a stroll at night. so cozy!

for anyone who knows us, you know how bad blake was wanting to pick up that mallard? i love my hunter.

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